9 Solar Energy Myths: The Future Of Solar Is Decided?

Imperium Energy Blog

Since the effects of global warming on our environment became known, the demand for renewable energy has been on the rise. Here are 9 Solar Energy Myths, along with the increased demand, there is a lot of misinformation and myths circulating about renewable energy sources. It has led to a lot of skepticism for people who want to invest in solar energy. It’s time to remove the skepticism and show the facts that are behind these solar energy myths.

1. Solar Panels Are Too Expensive To Invest In

This is the biggest myth that people have about solar energy systems. They assume it’s too expensive to invest in, but once they see Imperium Energy’s prices for solar installations, they are taken aback by how inexpensive it actually is to make the switch to solar power. Not only have we set a high standard for their pricing, Imperium Energy has experts who will beat any price for a competitor who offers less quality work or services. We also offer great financing options with 0% interest and no money down required! Once your project is approved, Imperium Energy can have your solar panels up and running in just a few short weeks.

2. Solar Panels Cause Global Warming

Solar energy actually works the opposite way of how people think it causes global warming. Solar panel installations are made with materials that do not emit greenhouse gasses into the environment, which means they do not cause any type of pollution or harm to our environment. We have done all of the necessary due-diligence on our products and we meet or exceed all current environmental standards for clean air quality. Imperium Energy only uses top quality solar panel components that are safe for our planet and we would never put our clients at risk by using something that we know is dangerous to our clients. Imperium Energy will not use or sell a product that we do not trust and know is safe and effective.

3. Solar Panels Are Only For Off-The-Grid Homes

Imperium Energy has been installing solar panels on homes connected to the grid since we started our business over 10 years ago, so it’s already proven that this myth is incorrect. Being connected to the grid means you can still receive power from your utility company, even if you have solar panels installed on your home or office building. You will be able to generate more power, we will show you how you can send back the excess power to the utility company through the grid. Imperium Energy can help you find out if your home is located in an area that solar panels are currently working on or can determine how many solar panels are capable of installing that will produce enough power for both your home and the panels.

4. Solar Panels Will Only Last For A Short Period Of Time

Solar panels have been around for over 30 years now and Imperium Energy has never heard of one being broken by nature or weather conditions. Imperium Energy has seen panel systems at least 70-years-old still working properly because they were installed with quality materials and we never skimp on our clients on installation of solar panels. Imperium Energy will do our best best to make our clients happy and keep their trust by providing them with high quality products at a reasonable price, which is why Imperium Energy 3-year warranty in case anything happens to the solar panels in that time frame; because even though we work hard to build something that last for decades, things can happen sometimes. As long as you hire a reputable company like Imperium Energy who does quality work, your solar panel system should remain in pristine condition for many years ahead.

5. Panels Are Not That Powerful

Imperium Energy has been installing solar panel systems on our clients homes and we've seen solar panels power some very high tech appliances we would not even think about plugging into a standard home without solar panels. Imperium Energy has installed at our client's house capable of powering a refrigerator, oven, stove, dishwasher, washing machine or dryer with no problems. Imperium energy has also seen systems able to power the water heater so our clients could go off grid with one solar system. So many people underestimate the capabilities of a highly efficient solar panel system.

6. No One Can Afford Solar Panels Anymore And They Always Need Repairing

The systems we use at Imperium Energy for our client’s homes are very high efficient. Solar panels' energy install can last up to 70 years or more with proper maintenance and care, so long as they are installed correctly in the first place. That is why all of Imperium Solar panel systems come with a 3-year warranty because Imperium Energy guarantees that if anything happens to the solar panel system within three years, Imperium Energy will repair or replace it at no additional cost to you.

7. There Is No Sense In Getting Conscientious And Green With My Home If Live Far From The City

Our Solar panels and installation services will work in almost any location that our clients live in because solar panels create power for our clients’ homes, even if the house is located up a mountain somewhere. Our solar panel systems can size and place all of your solar panels to match the needs of your home and lifestyle because solar panel systems are so flexible when it comes to placement. Solar panel systems are durable, so they can be placed on an angle or anywhere else you would like them to go without having to worry about anything breaking, which makes it possible for anyone living in the middle of nowhere to have access to solar panel systems and can install solar panels that harness the power of the sun and provide clean, renewable energy.

8. The City Is Way To Crowded And I Would Never Be Able To Make A Profit On My Imperium Solar Panel System Installation If I Put It Up In The City But Not Anywhere Else

We have clients that are also able to get by with a much smaller solar installation if they are still located within the city limits. That is because there is more sunlight hitting an area within the city limits than outside it or up on a mountain somewhere far away from cities for solar panels that power your home with no problems.

9. I Don’t Need A Solar Installation Anymore Because My Electricity Bills Are Too Low

Electricity bills are not really a concern for many people living in the city, where sunlight hits the earth more often. That is because if you are paying very little for your electricity now, it will cost even less to run appliances with only the help of good quality Imperium panels installed on your rooftop or anywhere else that meets your needs for an efficient system.

Imperium Energy use Imperium Energy will create unlimited clean, renewable power for your home for up to 25 years without any additional cost to you after initial purchase. In this way, you can save money both now and later with no upfront costs or monthly bills from a secondary source of electricity that provides us with everything we could possibly need from heat, light and even hot water. Whether it’s a first home or a holiday house, a large Solar Panel will benefit from the free, unlimited power produced by Imperium Solar panel installation systems.

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Imperium Energy is your one stop shop for all energy efficient upgrades. We have a full-rounded company that offers not just Solar energy solutions but, Roofing, HVAC, Windows & Doors, Insulation, and Artificial Turf. We cater to all of Southern California and plan on expanding to different states in the near future. Join our energy family and get the most out of your home today.
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