Roof Leak After Solar Panel Installation in California. What Should I Do?

Imperium Energy Blog

Solar modules need to be treated carefully for a longer lifespan like any other device. While quality solar panels ensure smooth and unobstructed work, some customers still encounter such a problem as roof leaks after installing solar modules. Roof Leak After Solar Panel Installation in California, it is important to note that roof leak is not directly related to the solar system in most cases. The top reasons for the leak are mainly roof-based ranging from old roof condition, incompatible roof type, prior roof damage, improperly installed vents and others that have nothing to do with the solar panel itself. Imperium Energy would like to share with you some brief guidelines if you encounter roof leaks after installing Imperium's solar panels.

1. Make sure the roof has no major cracks

Solar panels are installed on the roof, so it is important that there is no damage or crack in the roof prior to installation. We warn all customers not to do anything at their roofs without Imperium's okay first. Imperium Energy reminds all customers who are planning to save cost by doing their own installations that they are out of Imperium Energy's warranty coverage when they do so.

2. Imperium Solar Panel Kits are heavy

One kit weighs about 60 pounds per panel, which is equivalent to the weight of one adult hippopotamus. Imperium Energy recommends that all customers ask Imperium Energy or your Imperium Energy installer beforehand to move any items that might get in the way at your roofs. Imperium Energy would also like you to remind Imperium Energy customers who are planning to save cost by doing their own installations that they should ask Imperium Energy's representatives first if it is possible for them or their installers to carry each kits or panels manually without extra help because Imperium Energy won't be responsible for any damage done during installation if it happens while our representatives are gone on lunch break, for instance.

3. The Imperium Solar Panel Kits require quite a lot of work

Imperium Energy recommends customers to ask our installers first before carrying any items themselves. We remind customers who are planning to save cost by doing their own installations, they should inform the Imperium installer beforehand if there are any changes during the installation process. This is because Imperium installers must stop immediately and check for missing screws, bolts or any other things that may have fallen off during the installation process which could result in serious damage to both human beings and solar panels. If it happens, Imperium customers will be fully responsible for all further damages done until Imperium energy comes back for reinstallation .

4. Don't do anything at your roofs without Imperium Energy's okay

Please do not attempt to install Imperium Solar Panel Kits yourself or hire other people to do the installation for you. Imperium Energy will not be responsible for any damage done by Imperium solar panel kits that were installed incorrectly by Imperium customers , which is what Imperium Energy usually sees as a roof leak after installing Imperium Solar Panel Kits which Imperium Energy doesn't cover under warranty service. If it happens, Imperium Energy reminds all customers who are planning to save cost by doing their own installations, they should inform the Imperium installer beforehand if there are any changes during the installation process. This is because Imperium installers must stop immediately and check for missing screws, bolts or any other things that might have fallen off during the installation process which could result in serious damage to Imperium Energy's solar panels. The Imperium installer will go back and fix the installation, but Imperium Energy won't be held responsible for any damages done until Imperium energy comes back .

5. Things to remind Imperium Solar Panel Kit customers who are planning to save cost by doing their own installations

- Check for missing screws or bolts

- Remove batteries before starting your work

- Do not hang heavy things over your Solar Panels

- Do not step on Solar Panel Kits with shoes on because it can scratch the surface finish of Solar Panels, which is permanent damage that cannot be repaired even by Imperium Energy itself. You will have to buy new ones or use other sources of power if you do this. Imperium Energy will not be responsible for any damages done.

- Imperium Solar Panel Kits should always face south to maximize Imperium Energy's Imperium Solar Panels' energy production rate during Imperium Solar Panels' 25-year warranty period.

- Make sure the screws are tight before you go off on your lunch break or leave Solar Panel Kits alone for longer than 5 minutes because Imperium Energy cannot cover Solar Panel Kits that were damaged by falling objects like I beam, iron rods and other long things that can slip out of unwary hands like what usually happens when Imperium customers do their own installations .

6. About Imperium Energy's warranties

Imperium Energy offers customers 1 year product warranty (Parts & Labor), 10 years Solar Panel Kits' workmanship warranty and Imperium Solar Panel kits road-tested warranty of up to 25 years. Imperium Energy also offers Imperium Solar Panel Kit customers 2 year RTB (Return to Base) Warranty for their Imperium inverters which Imperium Energy will replace or repair Imperium Solar Panels, Imperium solar inverters at no charge if found defective during the manufacturer's warranty period under normal installation & conditions.

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Imperium Energy is your one stop shop for all energy efficient upgrades. We have a full-rounded company that offers not just Solar energy solutions but, Roofing, HVAC, Windows & Doors, Insulation, and Artificial Turf. We cater to all of Southern California and plan on expanding to different states in the near future. Join our energy family and get the most out of your home today.
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